The expression FAKE NEWS has become a popular and important one in today's political arena. Yet Fake News has been around for a long time, going back to the idea of "Yellow Journalism" coined in the mid 1890s (where it meant little or no well-researched news). Annenberg School's Dr. Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a well-known rhetorical scholar, is probably one of the only persons to make sense of it in its present context. She labeled the term an OXYMORON ( " contradictory terms appearing in conjunction with each other") and she was right on the button. In other words, "Fake" is not real; "News" is authentic. Analyzing the term further, It is the nature of TRUTH that defines fake news. One characterization is truth's ambiguity. What truth is to one person may not be so to another individual. It seem to this critic that truth may be equated with personal perceptions: "the mental p...