Any film or TV series with Nicole Kidman is usually a must-see as far as this critic is concerned. It's not because she's beautiful and a legitimate "movie star." It's because she is a good actress, believable in a variety of roles over the years. Until now. The HBO limited series, THE UNDOING, is not generally well acted, and that includes Hugh Grant as co-star ( Donald Southerland is OK, but not special ). Yet, the script was written ( by David Kelley ) to provide Emmy award - winning scenes for the primary actors. We could hear everyone involved saying, "Here's a scene they can 'milk - dry,' garnering emotions from the audience. A real winner. " Does this mean that The Undoing is really bad, a disappointment on pretty much every level? No, not entirely. That is if we, the audience, experiences the series with mostly our eyes. While the plot is confusing, the characters melodrama...