TV Hearings have become the new Broadway if you consider the high drama that has played out on two particular network programs over the last month. Sure, this observation seems like a rather exaggerated notion to ponder, but maybe not. First was the recent series broadcasting the January 6 Hearings with Liz Cheney at the helm. Second was PBS' Frontline: "Supreme Revenge: Battle For the Court," an investigative documentary on August 23 showing how Mitch McConnell guided the last three confirmations of Supreme Court judges. While footage of these hearings was well documented, the most dramatic was the one offering Clarence Thomas as a "victim." And everyone knew it, including Judicial Committee members ( with Joe Biden as Chairperson ) and the TV viewers. The Hearings made this clear as Andrea Mitchell stated in a voice over, " The stage is set for a ... brutal hearing. " Or as Tom Brokaw commented, " This is high dr...