Let's face it: we can take just so much of "TRUMP ON TRIAL." All day, every day. Yet some people like me watch it anyway so we won't miss something important. No matter: we are still going to miss a lot. The primary reason why is obvious. The trial is not being televised. At last: we got a break a few nights ago, on MSNBC's "The Last Word" with Lawrence O' Donnell. No, TV cameras didn't suddenly appear to broadcast the proceedings in the New York City courtroom. But long-established newscaster O'Donnell changed the way we experienced the event. His verbal introduction placed the viewers in the court itself, along with Donald Trump, Judge Merchan, the lawyers, jury, newspeople, and every other appropriate person. Particularly, we followed the day's witness, Stormy Daniels, as she entered and took a seat. O'Donnell's description was so precise and comprehensive, that we were able to picture her clothes, posture, demeano...